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【房产】“宇宙中心”! Glen Waverley

发布日期:2018年03月04日 点击次数:898

16 Clematis Street, Glen Waverley

The Glenwood - Luxury

 on A New Level


Glen Waverley 精品豪华联排别墅 

送墨尔本回国 (任意城市!) 往返机票!!!*


送高大上的 Miele 嵌入式冰箱!*

又双叒叕送 Roller Blinds!*


Glen Waverley 精品联排!

Glen Waverley Townhouses

with own street numbers

Reward yourself with ROUND TRIP airfare 

from Melbourne to China (Any City!) as well!*

AND Free Miele Integrated Fridge! Free Roller Blinds! (Valued at $10,000)*


A collection of luxury

boutique residences,walking distance 

toMount View Primary School 

& the latest All New $500 Million

"The Glen Shopping Centre"!

Glen Waverley 精品豪华联排别墅

走路到 Mount View Primary School 

和政府投资5亿的全新 The Glen 购物中心

Price starting from only $1,320,000

The Location

Located in the heart of the east,

THE GLENWOOD is your home

in the center of everything you need,

from prestigious academics,

to lifestyle and convenience.


位于“宇宙中心” Glen Waverley,



The Design

The architectural design based

 on the space and light. 

The GLENWOOD homes were designed

 for budding families, 

thoughtfully built to encompass 

the feeling of nature, 

space and growth. 



The Glenwood 为不断成长家庭而设计


Unit 1

4Bedrooms 2.5 Bathrooms 

Double GaragePrice = $ 1,420,000

Unit 2  

4Bedrooms 2.5 Bathrooms 

1+1 GaragePrice = $ 1,320,000


4 Bedrooms 3.5 Bathrooms 

1+1 GaragePrice = $ 1,360,000


       Glen Waverley 是墨尔本第二大华人区,是最受华人欢迎的区域,号称“宇宙中心”

政府斥资4.9亿打造的全新 The Glen 购物中心,将为Glen Waverley注入新的活力。新的购物中心将包括 David Jones, Woolworth, Coles, Aldi, 新鲜食品市场等,将成为墨尔本东区、东南区一大购物热点中心!

        本项目走路可及的、著名的Kingsway,一周7天,一天24小时都热闹非凡,这里有众多的咖啡店、各种特色餐厅、亚洲商品、酒店、旅行社、电影院(Village Cinema),一应俱全。交通便利,Glen Waverley 火车站走路可到!在火车站旁的公交总站,您可以乘坐公交到达墨尔本各个区域。

本项目 The Glenwood 位于全墨尔本排行第15的 Highvale Secondary College 校区;

        小学方面,本项目位于全墨尔本排行第12的 Mount View Primary School 校区Glen Waverley 拥有大量的学校以及教育机构。

        这里有无数澳洲家长心目中的顶级学校,包括 Glen Waverley Secondary College, Wesley College, Brentwood Secondary College, Highvale Secondary College,以及 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE。


(硬木拼花地板, 石质防溅板, Miele / 方太厨房电器...)

Artist impression of the new The Glen Shopping Centre