Fee Schedule (费用表格)
Action type | Fee Payable FIRB申请费 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is $1 million or less($0 – $1,000,000) 100万以下 | $5,600 澳元 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is more than $1 million and less than $2 million($1,000,001 – $1,999,999) 100-200万之间 | $11,300 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is between $2 million and less than $3 million($2,000,000 – $2,999,999) 200-300万之间 | $22,700 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is between $3 million and less than $4 million($3,000,000 -$3,999,000) 300-400万之间 | $34,000 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is between $4 million and less than $5 million($4,000,000 – $4,999,999) 400-500万之间 | $45,400 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is between $5 million and less than $6 million($5,000,000 – $5,999,999) 500-600万之间 | $56,700 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is between $6 million and less than $7 million($6,000,000 – $6,999,999) 600-700万之间 | $68,100 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is between $7 million and less than $8 million($7,000,000 – $7,999,999) 700-800万之间 | $79,500 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is between $8 million and less than $9 million($8,000,000 – $8,999,999) 800-900万之间 | $90,900 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is between $9 million and less than $10 million($9,000,000 – $9,999,999) 900-1000万之间 | $102,300 |
Acquiring an interest in residential land where the price of the acquisition is $10 million or more($10,000,000 or more) 一千万以上 | 请联系澳大利亚税务局咨询具体费用 |
02 Stamp Duty 印花税 03 Land Tax :土地税 04 出售价值750,000澳元元或以上的房地产的卖家